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Screen Shot 2018-06-20 at 8.19.15 AMBucknell “Numbers Drill” with some awesome Twists…
Coach Fedorjaka

I love this coach, if you check out the podcast you too will be amazed at his attention to detail, actually you can listen to Coach describe this awesome lacrosse drill in his own words, Free for all Free Members in the podcast section under “Preview”… read through this then come back and click here…

OK, most of us run some type of version of his “Numbers Drill,” and we have a few versions of this in our article section. Scott Marr from Albany runs something very similar and calls it his JailBreak Drill, it too is in our article section. (use the search box for easy access)

But in this case, Coach Fedorjaka has added some incredible twists as well as a unique variation.

Basic Lacrosse Drill

We start at the midfield line w six lines of offensive players and each line is numbered 1-6. In between the six lines of offensive players we have five lines of defensive players, and again, each line has a number. Coach also has a sixth line of defenders, but with only one or two D Players as this line (#6 Defense) gets very few reps.

Each “rep” is different it might be four on offense and three on defense, and all variations including six on offense and only one on defense or even four on offense and six on defense. Are you with me so far? Sounds familiar, as most of us run something like this.

The Drill begins with a ground ball deliberately rolled to an offensive player by a Coach. Whatever the numbers called for the defense, all defensive players sprint to the “Hub” and play defense from the “inside out.” So even thought the drill begins with a ground ball, it is not really contested, just rolled out to any of the offensive players, then all players spring into the offensive end.

I want to point out that Coach Fedorjaka reinforces with his defenders to always have a defensive player between the shooter and the goalie, always, always.


1. The thing I love the most about the very unique way Bucknell runs this drill is the way it begins. [private]The offensive coach will call out a number for the offense, (always different in each rep) BUT at Bucknell then the defensive coach will then call out any number of defenders who are in the drill.

This is amazing!! So going into each rep, neither coach knows exactly what the combination might be for this rep, let alone the players knowing or anticipating what the configuration of each rep might be. With all the lines pretty tight at the midfield line, it is critical the offensive players establish spacing and move the ball. This forces the players to listen and adjust and communicate, very cool eh? But it gets better….

2. Now Coach adds and additional twist… Once the initial players are released and sprinting down the field, the offensive and defensive coaches calling out the numbers can continue to call out numbers, in kind of an “Add One” feature. So the offensive coach who began by yelling out “4” and an example may yell out, “5 & 6” adding two additional offensive players into the sprint and into the box. The defensive coach also has this option. Again the cool feature of all this to me is that even the individual coaches (since two different coaches are yelling out numbers) know what the configuration of this rep will ultimately look like. I love it! Players have to adjust as the scenario is always a surprise and always different.

Variations and Twists!

Coach also offered a great option to keep the drill as creative and different as it already is, but from totally new angles. Again each coach, offense and defense calls out a number, and each coach has the option to continue to yell out “adds”…

But now, rather than the six lines of offense and the six lines of defense at the midfield line, All lines (O & D) remain numbered but the lines are now in a large circle over the half field.

So depending on the number of players (remember all lines in the large circle are numbered) and players from all angles sprinting into the offensive end nobody knows, players or coaches, how the drill configuration will start or where the players will come from. Same creativity, different starting point and angles…

Love to get you thought below!

Coach Mike


3 Responses to “Article: Bucknell “Numbers Lacrosse Drill” w Creative Twists”

  1. coachmike Says:


  2. kinggarlandius1978 Says:

    Amazing variation by the most creative coach in the game. This could really happen in any unsettled drill.

  3. coachmike Says:

    Thanks Coach, Hope all is well!

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